Ensure software network security, communication, and scalability from the very beginning of the development stage.
Assurance knowing what’s running in production is secure, scalable, and managed.
Our platform offers a dev-friendly, template-driven declarative app network layer that facilitates integration into any development pipeline for fast, secure, and managed delivery across your on-premises and multi-cloud environments.

Faster Time to Market
Shorter, frequent, repeatable development cycles backed by automated processes means faster delivery.

Enhanced App and Service Stability
Zero-trust security at every step of the development cycle provides a solid foundation for enhanced code reliability.

Rapid Response
Agility and depth of insight enable rapid response to anomalies, and the ability to quickly shift tech focus to meet emerging customer demands.
Consistent Day 2 Operations security, communication, and delivery
Gain consistency and security compliance across your entire heterogeneous system, no matter what kind of environments or deployment architectures you have.

Template-based Workflows
The platform’s template-based workflows take service mesh configuration complexity away from your application developers. Expertly curated templates and a handful of targeted prompts replace thousands of lines of mesh configuration in a snap.

GitOps Workflows Natively
Our Sync functionality quickly and easily brings mesh operations into the GitOps workflow. Native integration in the platform ensures any and all new changes in the git repository are applied to the operational system.

Production Service Categorization
Remove obscurity from running infrastructure with service cataloging. By combining human-curatable metadata with direct inspection of the control and data planes, our platform provides a clear and organized view inside your infrastructure.

Many Environments, Assured Enterprise Posture
Facilitate workloads between hybrid/multi-cloud and on-prem systems, enabling consistent application encryption, access controls, and visibility throughout your enterprise multi-environment.
Services and Support
Our expertise, on-demand to suit your business needs.
Our skilled experts are ready to ensure your enterprise cloud-native success.

Product Development Teams supports with brilliance. Our product development teams are energetic and courteous, as well as adept teachers in the way of the cloud. We encourage our customers to embed their own developers with us for on-the-job knowledge transfer of techniques, patterns, and novel solutions to otherwise intractable problems.

Professional Services
Our personnel bring decades of combined experience in the design, development, customization, integration, and delivery of leading-edge software and technology solutions. Our range of cloud-native, decentralized enterprise-scale systems experience includes the creation of reusable platforms, APIs, and analytics for collaborative environments, highly secure computer architectures, data layer processing, and streaming and batch analysis platforms. Our clients span the commercial sector, as well as the United States defense, homeland, and intelligence communities.
We deliver outstanding value to our customers while being a flexible and reliable partner that understands the importance of what needs to be done to achieve your business goals. We are well-versed in supporting mission-critical technology solutions focused on expressive visual design, perceptive data analysis, and secure multi-sensor totality extending contextual awareness to enterprise-grade solutions.